Friday, January 30, 2009


In two days, my older sister Dominique will be going to France to study abroad. Although I will miss her terribly, I am very excited for her and the experience. She will be living with a French family and going to school in the city of Angers. She will have to talk and communicate with everyone in French. I am very jealous of all the French restaurants she will be going to and the food she will be eating: crepes, chocolate, croissants, and more. Also, she will get to see all the beautiful sites and shop in Paris! Her decision to go there has inspired me to see the world. Going to France and other countries is definitely something I want to do in the future. Dominique, I love you and know that you will have a great time!


  1. Megan, I hope that you'll give Dominique your blog address so that she can leave you comments on your blog postings. She can keep up with what you are doing each week. Megan, if you ever have the opportunity...I highly recommend an overseas trip...perhaps you can visit Dominique on Easter'll never forget it!

    I think that it is awesome that you sister gets to go to Paris. She is going to have the time of her life. I envy her right now hahaha. I agree with Ms. Perino you should definitely study abroad someday . My sister went to Ireland to study abroad when she was in college. She told me that was one of the best experiences in her life. I’m going try and go somewhere when I get to college. I would love to go to Ireland or Italy and even Paris. Where would you want to go ? I see you going to Ireland, but I could be wrong. We should take a road trip once I get my license! We would have crazy super duper fun !

  3. Megan that is so exciting! It would be so much fun to study abroad in France. It sounds like a great opportunity for her. To be able to live in France and study there for a little while would just be amazing. Personally, I would love to study abroad someday. I think it would be a grand experience. I would love to study abroad anywhere it would be fun to be somewhere other than here. But, if I was to study abroad somewhere I would miss my friends and family a lot! Well, I hope your sister has a wonderful time in France!
