Monday, April 27, 2009


I think that the pillow and feathers analogy is a good representation of gossip. It is easy to cut open a pillow and let all the feathers out, just like it is easy to gossip and let harmful words out. However, it's not so easy to take back all the feathers/words. Gossiping leaves behind a terrible mess that, like the feathers, is very hard to clean up. The person who is gossiping might feel cool about it for a few minutes, but in reality, the gossiper will be burdened with guilt. The one who is being gossiped about might hear about it and will also be negatively affected by the gossip. It will make the person very sad and lower his/her self-esteem. If I was the priest in the story, I would tell the girl to ask the boy she gossiped about for forgiveness, and suggest that she avoid gossiping in the future.

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